The Foreign Service Journal, January-February 2016

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016 51 regional medical officer/psychiatrists, the Employee Consulta- tion Services and the Child and Family Program Office. In a survey about these resources conducted by the Youth Mental Health Initiative working group, FS personnel asked for more open discussion and greater visibility about youth mental health. They requested more information about services, particularly from the Child and Family Program Office and FSYF. They highlighted the need for specific information about topics such as transition issues, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, substance abuse and bullying. And they offered suggestions of ways to strengthen support, which included youth group activi- ties and online networks; direct services by child psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers; and training for post and school personnel. Kids themselves have pointed out in recent “TCK Chat” ses- sions online that “mental health is the most glaringly obvious issue that is avoided” in their households and communities. They note that “emotional turmoil does not get enough atten- tion” and that their communities need to “promote the fact that grief and loss and feeling emotional are normal” and “getting support and advice is vital.” What More Can We Do? On a personal level, families can— • Maintain a close and supportive family structure with tradi- tions and routines. • Enable kids to maintain links to friends and family. • Promote kids’ independence with chores, jobs or community service and help them develop their passions. • Allow kids to grieve well and to express their emotions. • Assess family needs before committing to a move. • Seek immediate help for any concerns. • Be especially attentive in preparing and supporting re-entry to the United States. • Join FSYF, which supports FS youth by encouraging resilience and fostering camaraderie. On an organizational level, we can— • Openly discuss mental health issues. • Better educate ourselves and those who work with FS kids about mental health issues. • Collect data and seek research that addresses specific trends within our population. • Support integrated health care, including direct services by child specialists and case management across assignments. • Actively support returning families with support groups and referrals to specialists with TCK experience. • Work with schools overseas and in the United States to encourage training and raise awareness about TCKs. • Help kids support each other through group activities and online networks. n Time to Put an End to the Stigma Depression, ADHD, thoughts of suicide, mood disorder, anxiety disorder, somatic disorder, PTSD, rapid cycling bipolar type I, psychosis. These are evolving diagnoses that psychiatrists have applied to my daughter as her mental illness advanced and morphed throughout her adolescent years. It is like a cancer that keeps returning, defying each drug combo that brought the last round of remission. Yet, while tragic, there is no shame in cancer, no stigma in talking about it. Not so when your child suffers from mental illness. And it’s worse when you add learning disabilities to the picture. All these insidious demons remain invisible to teachers and others who write your child off as lazy or unwilling to put in the effort to keep up. No one would say that your daughter could fight off cancer if she just tried hard enough. Even though the majority of kids won’t have health issues as serious as mine does, FS children are just as at risk or even more vulnerable to mental health problems than the average American child. For the sake of our children, it’s time we put an end to that stigma, get our heads out of the sand and intervene early when there are warning signs. —A Foreign Service Mother TCKs weather frequent moves, separations, loss and trauma.