The Foreign Service Journal, March 2017

Recommendations from Four Generations of Leaders New administration transition periods provide an oppor- tunity to reflect on what the new administration should understand as it moves forward on implementing the U.S. government’s foreign assistance program. Thomas Adams’ January FSJ article, “Foreign Assistance, Time to Sharpen a Vital Diplomatic Tool,” was an excellent piece on this topic. The USAID Alumni Asso- ciation is also a great source of knowledge. UAA’s 2016 Annual General Meeting, held in October at the Center for Global Development, featured a panel of previ- ous USAID Administrators offering guidance to the new administration. John Norris, of the Center for American Progress, moderated the panel of four: Peter McPherson (who served from 1981 to 1987 under President Ronald Rea- gan), Brian Atwood (1993- 1999; Bill Clinton), Henrietta Holsman Fore (2007-2009; G.W. Bush) and Gayle Smith (2015-2017; Barack Obama). A detailed account of the dis- cussion is available from the UAA website, www.usaid . A blog post from the Center for Global Develpment highlights four recommenda- tions for the new adminis- tration and the next USAID Administrator from these experienced leaders. 1. Review congressional directives and presidential THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | MARCH 2017 59 initiatives. Gayle Smith discussed the need for the next administration to review existing directives and initia- tives for consolidation or elimination before adding new ones. A 2016 CGD policy brief, “The White House and the World: Practical Proposals on Global Development for the Next U.S. President” cal ls for a full review of the agency that accounts for presidential initiatives and a commis- sioned report on existing congressional directives. Old directives and initiatives can be constraints to fundamen- tal reform and adaptation at USAID. 2. Get USAID a seat at the policy table. Several administrators asserted that USAID needs to have a seat at the policy table, perhaps by including the Administra- tor in the Cabinet, so the agency can communicate the development perspective to others. Atwood stated: “If you don’t have a voice at those tables, you’re going to see your own development initia- tives undercut.” Smith agreed, adding that other agencies are often eager for USAID’s input because of its expertise in development. The CGD proposes: (1) the next president should provide USAID with budgetary and policy primacy over areas in which the agency demon- strates efficacy and focus; (2) the State Department’s Office of U.S. Foreign Assis- tance Resources should be moved back under the USAID Administrator. 3. Lead the interagency process without dominat- ing. Smith said: “It’s leader- ship of all the various parts of government that have a role to play. That means work- ing with other agencies and learning how to do that.” Fore highlighted USAID’s expertise in bringing together partners for initiatives such as public-private partner- ships. USAID is also working to expand partnerships through its Local Solutions initia- tive and has increased the proportion of funds that flow through local partners. CGD argues that work- ing with other agencies is especially critical during the presidential transition. 4. Spend as much time on the inside as the outside. The next USAID Administrator needs to spend time and resources improving USAID’s internal capacity, human resources, procurement, hiring and data management. McPherson said getting the agency working well “should be a stated, up-front” priority. Smith, who initi- ated a strategy to transform human resources, added that the next Administrator needs to pick up the baton to ensure continuity on these issues. CGD recommends that internal weaknesses at USAID must be addressed, especially hiring procedures. USAID should focus on hiring for specific skill sets and providing more funds for staff preparation and training. Further suggestions by the panel included: • Take time to understand how USAID projects work and the history of USAID’s suc- cesses and failures. • Listen to staff to benefit from their field experience and insights and to assess staffing needs. • Focus on the balance between field missions and headquarters, decentralizing as much as possible. • Develop a strong policy staff that links development objectives to broad U.S. for- eign policy objectives. • Improve information management to build on the knowledge base and to improve communications with field staff, partners and congressional staff and members. USAID currently has bipar- tisan support in Congress, as reflected in the passage of legislation such as Power Africa and Feed the Future. USAID FSOs drive American foreign policy toward its objectives of global peace, stability and prosperity. A responsibility as noble and monumental as this requires and deserves thor- ough discussion and support throughout the transition. n Views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the AFSA USAID VP. Contact: or (202) 712-1631 USAID VP VOICE | BY SHARON WAYNE AFSA NEWS