The Foreign Service Journal, July-August 2019

THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL | JULY-AUGUST 2019 59 AFSA NEWS FSJ Wins for Publishing Excellence At the Association TRENDS 40th annual “Salute to Association Excellence,” The Foreign Service Journal received an award for pub- lishing excellence. The FSJ earned a Bronze in the commemoration/ tribute category for the July-August 2018 issue com- memorating the 1998 East Africa embassy bombings. The award reads: “Associa- tion TRENDS recognizes this organization for the high quality and creativity evident in the preparation and pro- duction of this product. We congratulate the organiza- tion’s staff and members for their work.” The event is attended by more than 500 association professionals each year to honor stars within the asso- ciation community. The July-August 2018 edition of The Foreign Service Journal sought to honor those who lost their lives and those who sur- vived terrorist bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. On Aug. 7, 1998, at approximately 10:37 a.m. local time, nearly simultaneous bombs went off at Embassy Nairobi and Embassy Dar es Salaam. In all, 224 people were killed, and thousands more were injured in the attack carried out by the al-Qaida network. As the 20th anniversary of the attacks loomed, the FSJ put out a call to the survivors— both American and locally employed staff—to share their experiences. What followed was a pow- erful and moving collection of 41 stories of that fateful day and the aftermath. Con- tributors shared intimate, moment-to-moment details of the chaos that erupted after the bombings, how the experience changed them, and how in the face of over- whelming shock and loss they still found the strength to go on. n AFSAGoverning Board Meeting, May 23, 2019 Management Committee: It was moved and seconded that item number six in the AFSA Standard Operating Procedures on Budget Preparation and Approval be changed to, “reviewed by the Management Committee and presented to the full Governing Board.”The motion was adopted. It was moved and seconded that item number five have the following sentence added: “Governing Board members shall receive the proposed budget at least 10 days in advance of voting” after the words “Man- agement Committee.” The motion was adopted. It was moved and seconded that the Governing Board adopt the “Standard Operating Procedures on AFSA Budget Preparation and Approval as stated on the handout with “executive” being replaced with “management” in all three instances when it is men- tioned as amended. The SOP was adopted. FSJ Editorial Board Committee: The memo from the FSJ Editorial Board Committee proposing eight new Editorial Board members and 4 backup members to replace eight departing members was approved. Awards and Plaques Committee: On behalf of the Awards and Plaques Committee, it was moved that the Governing Board revise the criteria for the Nelson B. Delavan award to “recognizes the work of a Foreign Service office man- agement specialist who shows exceptional performance, innovation, leadership and/or team building in carrying out the duties of the profession. Their skills play a pivotal role in strengthening the team at post.” The motion was adopted. n