The Foreign Service Journal, February 2011

J O U R N A L OREIGN ERVICE S F P RESIDENT ’ S V IEWS / 5 WikiLeaks and Diplomacy in the Digital Age By Susan R. Johnson FS K NOW -H OW / 14 For Better Fraud Interviews, Think Like a Lawyer By Jeffrey E. Zinsmeister R EFLECTIONS / 88 The Russians Are Coming By Ginny Young L ETTERS / 7 C YBERNOTES / 9 M ARKETPLACE / 11 B OOKS / 75 I N M EMORY / 77 I NDEX TO A DVERTISERS / 86 Cover illustration by Curtis Parker F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 1 / F O R E I G N S E R V I C E J O U R N A L 3 C ONTENTS February 2011 Volume 88, No. 2 F O C U S O N T h e E c o n o m i c / C o mm e r c i a l F u n c t i o n U.S. E CONOMIC D IPLOMACY : T HE N EXT 50 Y EARS / 17 A distinguished practitioner explains why international economic issues are now central to U.S. foreign policy. By Alan Larson U.S. E CONOMIC & C OMMERCIAL I NTERESTS : A N FCS O FFICER ’ S V IEW / 25 Working with other sections of the mission, ECON and FCS can be more than the sum of their parts. By Michael A. Lally T HE I MPORTANCE OF P ROTECTING I NTELLECTUAL P ROPERTY R IGHTS / 32 State cannot go after IP infringers one DVD at a time, but there are steps that all posts can take to raise awareness of the issue. By David Drinkard D OING W ELL BY D OING G OOD : S TATE ’ S E CONOMIC P OLICY E FFORTS / 37 EEB seeks to be a force multiplier for the integrated application of the diplomatic and economic instruments of American power. By Jose W. Fernandez T HE T OP 14 E CONOMIC W ONKISMS / 41 Who says economics is a dismal science? Here is a tongue-in-cheek guide to help you keep up with the current policy discussion. By Stephan Thurman