The Foreign Service Journal, April 2015

98 APRIL 2015 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL LOCAL LENS BY JULIE PETERS AKEY n SAN PELAYO, SPAIN Please submit your favorite, recent photograph to be considered for Local Lens. Images must be high resolution (at least 300 dpi at 8 x 10”) and must not be in print elsewhere. Please submit a short description of the scene/event, as well as your name, brief biodata and the type of camera used, to W e had to stop to let this shepherd and his sheep go by in the town of San Pelayo, in the Burgos region of north- western Spain last November. I was in the area visiting a U.S. citizen in prison there, one of my responsibilities during my six-month rotation in American Citizen Services in the consular section of Embassy Madrid. n A first-tour, consular-coned FSO, Julie Akey joined the Foreign Service after serving in the U.S military, teaching English and starting a nonprofit to help improve education in Haiti. She is the author of Haiti, My Love (2012), a collection of stories drawn from her experience living and working in the country.