The Foreign Service Journal, June 2014

48 JUNE 2014 | THE FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL AFSA NEWS ing programs to work directly with local organizations, and served as principal author for a new Global Health Strat- egy to guide our work with greater focus. ‘I never saw her without a smile on her face,’ one friend remembered.” Addressing Ms. Toma- sek’s family, Administrator Shah continued: “Over the last several months, I have heard from Toni’s colleagues around the world who wanted to share their memories of her compassion, vitality and humanity. They spoke of her love of running and her wellspring of energy as she competed in ultra-marathons fromAsia to North America. Her friends spoke of her deep pride in Alex and Amelie—and described how she would arrive at work in the morning brimming with news of their swimmeets. And they spoke of her generosity—how Toni learned to knit so she could make handmade gifts for her friends.” Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources Heather Higgin- bottom also spoke, focusing on the sacrifices inherent in a Foreign Service career: “This ceremony is a poignant reminder that this vital work does not come without danger. The names on these plaques represent coura- geous women and men who volunteered to serve their country abroad.” Higginbottom continued: “Today, we pay tribute to a woman whose love of coun- try, love of humanity and love of service to others led her to devote herself to aid- ing the poor and needy around the globe, to saving lives, to giving hope. Her commit- ment to helping others inspires us.” Following the ceremony, Ms. Toma- sek’s family mem- bers participated in a video teleconference with Ambas- sador Pamela White and staff members of Embassy Port- au-Prince. Foreign Affairs Day Reception at AFSA On May 2, AFSA threw open its doors for the traditional Foreign Affairs Day reception. A large crowd of retirees participating in the day’s activities attended, as did many active-duty members. Members of the AFSA Governing Board and professional staff welcomed the attendees, who enjoyed drinks and hors d’oeuvres. During the reception, local winners of AFSA’s art and academic merit awards were honored, as were some local scholarship donors. Before the AFSA Memorial Ceremony, the Tomasek family and AFSA President Robert J. Silverman met with Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources Heather Higginbottom and USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah. From left to right: Pres. Silverman; Administrator Shah; Marilyn Beaumont, Ms. Tomasek’s mother; Adam Tomasek, Ms. Tomasek’s husband; and Deputy Secretary of State Higginbottom. In front are Amelie and Alexandre, Ms. Tomasek’s children. Continued from page 43 DEPARTMENTOFSTATE DEPARTMENTOFSTATE Following the ceremony, Willie Beaumont, Ms. Tomasek’s brother, points out her name to the children. “Toni is in our thoughts, every single day,”Amb. White told the family. Assuring them that she spoke on behalf of every single member of the embassy staff, Amb. White declared that Ms. Tomasek had left a lasting legacy in Haiti. You may watch a recording of the ceremony on the AFSA website at video. n –Ásgeir Sigfússon, Director of New Media ÁSGEIRSIGFÚSSON